How Do Refugees Decide Whether to Return Home?

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In a survey of 3,000 Syrian refugees in Lebanon, most say they want to return home but think it’s too soon—even if...

Soccer, the Universal Language: IPL Study Goes Viral

9587 Views0 Comments

Soccer fans and media outlets worldwide shared an IPL study finding that star striker Mo Salah has reduced Islamophobia in the UK. ...

Learning from Refugees’ Preferences

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A new IPL algorithm for refugee resettlement gives refugees a say in the process while also assuring host countries that they can...

Podcast: Rethinking Europe’s Asylum System

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IPL co-director Jens Hainmueller joins the World Class podcast, hosted by Stanford’s Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies.        ...

The European Left’s Wary Embrace of Muslim Voters

11867 Views0 Comments

Can Europe’s left-wing parties pursue Muslim voters without undermining their liberal values? A new book explores the tricky politics of minority inclusion....

What’s in a Name?

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In new research by IPL faculty affiliate Ran Abramitzky, names trace the patterns of immigrant families’ integration over generations.      ...

Bringing in the Outsiders

4392 Views0 Comments

A new IPL Working Paper reveals paths and pitfalls in efforts to counteract prejudice against Syrian refugees.          ...