News & Views

IPL Announces 2019 Summer Research Fellowship

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IPL is expanding opportunities for hands-on training in problem-focused, policy-relevant social science research at Stanford. Apply now!  The IPL Collaborative Research Fellowship...

The Origins of a Breakthrough Technology

6769 Views0 Comments

Follow IPL’s refugee resettlement algorithm GeoMatch from inspiration to implementation.                        ...

IPL Recommends: Immigrant Stories in Books and Film

6088 Views0 Comments

Looking for some unforgettable stories to add to your reading list or movie queue? IPL faculty, students, and staff share the books...

IPL Summer Seminar Series 

4854 Views0 Comments

Throughout the summer, the Immigration Policy Lab (IPL) at Stanford University will offer a series of seminars open to Stanford graduate students and IPL...

How Legal Status Helps Immigrants Integrate

4909 Views0 Comments

Immigrants do much of the work of assimilation on their own, but they can only go so far without legal status.  ...

Switzerland Launches Program to Test IPL Algorithm for Refugee Integration

16440 Views0 Comments

Switzerland will be the first country to place asylum seekers in different parts of the country using artificial intelligence.      ...

Taking Stock of Trump’s Immigration Policies

4855 Views0 Comments

IPL executive director Duncan Lawrence will speak at an upcoming event hosted by the Commonwealth Club, the Bay Area’s leading public affairs forum....

An Overlooked Effect of Immigration Policy: Children’s Health

5384 Views0 Comments

IPL co-director Jens Hainmueller and fellow researcher Maria Rodriguez explain the link between immigration policy and public health in a new editorial....

IPL Work on Refugees Leads to Facebook Fellowship

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IPL data scientist Kirk Bansak has won a 2018 Facebook Fellowship in support of his work applying machine learning to the refugee...