Meet the New Executive Director for IPL at Stanford

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Before the Immigration Policy Lab had an office or even a coffee maker, we had Duncan Lawrence, our founding executive director. For...

One Year Later: How IPL Used WhatsApp for Outreach Surveys

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To build meaningful and innovative tools that meet urgent needs, collaborate with implementing partners. by Jennifer Fei and Jessica Sadye Wolff Due...

From Null to Notable: IPL Champions Reporting of Null Results

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IPL is building a platform and culture to encourage researchers to share their null results.              ...

IPL Origin Stories: Vasco Yasenov

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Vasco Yasenov, an economist and IPL postdoctoral fellow, talks with executive director Duncan Lawrence about his childhood in post-communist Bulgaria, his work...

IPL Origin Stories: Mashail Malik

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IPL executive director Duncan Lawrence talks with graduate fellow Mashail Malik about the ups and downs of her journey from Pakistan to...

IPL Origin Stories: Salma Mousa

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IPL executive director Duncan Lawrence talks with graduate fellow Salma Mousa about soccer as a research tool, new motherhood, and her experiences...

Behind the Paper: A “Nudge” for Citizenship

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How IPL researchers turned a null finding into new insights on low-income immigrants and citizenship.              ...

IPL Announces 2019 Summer Research Fellowship

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IPL is expanding opportunities for hands-on training in problem-focused, policy-relevant social science research at Stanford. Apply now!  The IPL Collaborative Research Fellowship...

IPL Summer Seminar Series 

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Throughout the summer, the Immigration Policy Lab (IPL) at Stanford University will offer a series of seminars open to Stanford graduate students and IPL...