Why Pushing Syrian Refugees To Return Is Unlikely To Be Effective

1784 Views0 Comments

Only once safety concerns in Syria are met will refugees weigh trade-offs in conditions in their host and home country After twelve...

New Funding Advances GeoMatch in Canada and the Netherlands

5211 Views0 Comments

IPL’s GeoMatch tool, designed to aid immigrant integration and refugee resettlement programs, is headed toward pilot-tests in Canada and the Netherlands, with...

Using Innovative Finance to Increase Refugee Resettlement

6557 Views0 Comments

Innovative financing models could attract private investment to refugee resettlement programs, enabling countries to admit more refugees and set them up for success.    ...

Learning from Refugees’ Preferences

4268 Views0 Comments

A new IPL algorithm for refugee resettlement gives refugees a say in the process while also assuring host countries that they can...

Matching People and Places

5965 Views0 Comments

Click through this illustrated guide to see how IPL is bringing AI tools to the world of refugee resettlement:  

Implementing the Algorithm

8788 Views0 Comments

See how we’re putting IPL’s matching technology to work in refugee resettlement pilot programs in the United States.        ...

The Origins of a Breakthrough Technology

5368 Views0 Comments

Follow IPL’s refugee resettlement algorithm GeoMatch from inspiration to implementation.                        ...

Switzerland Launches Program to Test IPL Algorithm for Refugee Integration

14036 Views0 Comments

Switzerland will be the first country to place asylum seekers in different parts of the country using artificial intelligence.      ...

Restoring U.S. Leadership in Refugee Resettlement

4164 Views0 Comments

Rather than close its doors and retreat from global leadership in the refugee crisis, the United States should embrace reforms that help...