Upcoming IPL Webinar: Measuring Immigrant Integration

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How well are immigrants integrating in their communities? Are the policies and programs intended to support them leading to improved quality of...

IPL Webinar: Mapping Political Trends Through Twitter

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On March 30 IPL hosted a webinar to launch our latest tool: the Congressional Tweet Tracker. We explained how the tool can help...

IPL Webinar: Low-Cost, Automated WhatsApp Surveys

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IPL at Stanford and our partners from Mercy Corps and Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service hosted a live webinar presenting a new...

IPL Summer Seminar Series 

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Throughout the summer, the Immigration Policy Lab (IPL) at Stanford University will offer a series of seminars open to Stanford graduate students and IPL...

Taking Stock of Trump’s Immigration Policies

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IPL executive director Duncan Lawrence will speak at an upcoming event hosted by the Commonwealth Club, the Bay Area’s leading public affairs forum....

Video: Easing Immigrants’ Path to Citizenship

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At the University at Albany, IPL’s David Laitin discusses naturalization challenges, IPL’s approach to policy innovation, and ways local governments can help immigrants...

When Ethnic Identity and Patriotism Collide

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Join IPL for an upcoming faculty seminar exploring shifting attitudes toward diversity and national cohesion.                ...

“Finding Place” Series Explores Immigrants, Refugees in Film

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IPL’s David Laitin participates in a film festival devoted to the immigrant experience.                  ...