News & Views

Taking the Long View of Immigrants’ Success in “Streets of Gold”

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In their new book Streets of Gold: America’s Untold Story of Immigrant Success, Ran Abramitzky and Leah Boustan write: “For every uplifting...

IPL Webinar: Mapping Political Trends Through Twitter

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On March 30 IPL hosted a webinar to launch our latest tool: the Congressional Tweet Tracker. We explained how the tool can help...

Growing Momentum in the Push for Null Results Reporting

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Researchers in the social sciences are increasingly confronting the “file drawer problem.” When studies fail to prove a theory, validate a particular...

One Year Later: How IPL Used WhatsApp for Outreach Surveys

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To build meaningful and innovative tools that meet urgent needs, collaborate with implementing partners. by Jennifer Fei and Jessica Sadye Wolff Due...

Swarthmore Meets Skytte: A Conversation

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David Laitin, Margaret Levi, Peter Katzenstein, and Jeremy Weinstein What are the odds that three consecutive winners of the Johan Skytte Prize—the equivalent...

Licensed to Drive, But Not to Work

5366 Views0 Comments

Being able to drive legally allows some unauthorized immigrants to work longer hours and increase their income. But for those who don’t...

IPL Seeks an Executive Director

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Interested in leading us in our mission of advancing immigration policy worldwide? Read on for more details about our executive director position....

From Null to Notable: IPL Champions Reporting of Null Results

2562 Views0 Comments

IPL is building a platform and culture to encourage researchers to share their null results.              ...

New Funding Advances GeoMatch in Canada and the Netherlands

4922 Views0 Comments

IPL’s GeoMatch tool, designed to aid immigrant integration and refugee resettlement programs, is headed toward pilot-tests in Canada and the Netherlands, with...