Public Health Insurance Expansion for Immigrant Children and Interstate Migration of Low-Income Immigrants

Vasil Yasenov, Duncan Lawrence,
Fernando Mendoza, Jens Hainmueller
JAMA Pediatrics

Standardizing the fee waiver application increased naturalization rates of low-income immigrants

Vasil Yasenov, Michael Hotard,
Duncan Lawrence, Jens Hainmueller,
David D. Laitin (...)
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

Ethnic networks can foster the economic integration of refugees

Linna Martén, Jens Hainmueller,
Dominik Hangartner
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

A low-cost information nudge increases citizenship application rates among low-income immigrants

Michael Hotard, Duncan Lawrence,
David D. Laitin, Jens Hainmueller
Nature Human Behaviour

Does Exposure to the Refugee Crisis Make Natives More Hostile?

Dominik Hangartner, Elias Dinas,
Moritz Marbach, Konstantinos Matakos,
Dimitrios Xefteris (...)
American Political Science Review

Oregon’s Expansion of Prenatal Care Improved Utilization Among Immigrant Women

Jonas J. Swartz, Jens Hainmueller,
Duncan Lawrence, Maria I. Rodriguez
Maternal and Child Health Journal

Public Attitudes toward Young Immigrant Men

Dalston Ward
American Political Science Review