Optimal multi-action treatment allocation: A two-phase field experiment to boost immigrant naturalization

Achim Ahrens, Alessandra Stampi-Bombelli,
Selina Kurer, Dominik Hangartner
Journal of Applied Econometrics

#Asylum: How Syrian Refugees Engage with Online Information

Alexandra A. Siegel, Jessica Wolff,
Jeremy Weinstein
Journal of Quantitative Description: Digital Media

Cash-based interventions improve multidimensional integration outcomes of Venezuelan immigrants

Achim Ahrens, Marine Casalis,
Dominik Hangartner, Rodrigo Sánchez
World Development

Emigration and radical right populism

Rafaela Dancygier, Sirus H. Dehdari,
David D. Laitin, Moritz Marbach,
Kåre Vernby (...)
American Journal of Political Science

Europeans’ support for refugees of varying background is stable over time

Kirk Bansak, Jens Hainmueller,
Dominik Hangartner

The Dynamics of Refugee Return: Syrian Refugees and Their Migration Intentions

Ala’ Alrababa’h, Daniel Masterson,
Marine Casalis, Dominik Hangartner,
Jeremy Weinstein (...)
British Journal of Political Science

Do Immigrants Move to Welfare? Subnational Evidence from Switzerland

Jeremy Ferwerda, Moritz Marbach,
Dominik Hangartner
American Journal of Political Science

Learning from Null Effects: a Bottom-Up Approach

Ala' Alrababa'h, Scott Williamson,
Andrea Dillon, Jens Hainmueller,
Dominik Hangartner , Michael Hotard, (...)
Political Analysis

Reporting all results efficiently: A RARE proposal to open up the file drawer

David D. Laitin, Edward Miguel,
Ala' Alrababa'h, Aleksandar Bogdanoski,
Sean Grant, Katherine Hoeberling, (...)
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences