Does Halting Refugee Resettlement Reduce Crime? Evidence from the US Refugee Ban

Daniel Masterson, Vasil Yasenov
American Political Science Review

Combining Outcome-Based and Preference-Based Matching: A Constrained Priority Mechanism

Avidit Acharya, Kirk Bansak,
Jens Hainmueller
Political Analysis

Monitoring hiring discrimination through online recruitment platforms

Dominik Hangartner, Daniel Kopp,
Michael Siegenthaler

Association Between Health Care Utilization and Immigration Enforcement Events in San Francisco

Vasil Yasenov, Jens Hainmueller,
Michael Hotard, Duncan Lawrence,
Laura Gottlieb, Jacqueline Torres (...)
JAMA Network Open

Sanctuary policies reduce deportations without increasing crime

David K. Hausman
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

In search of opportunity and community: Internal migration of refugees in the United States

Nadwa Mossad, Jeremy Ferwerda,
Duncan Lawrence, Jeremy Weinstein,
Jens Hainmueller (...)
Science Advances

Attitudes Toward Migrants in a Highly Impacted Economy: Evidence From the Syrian Refugee Crisis in Jordan

Ala' Alrababa'h, Andrea Dillon,
Scott Williamson, Jens Hainmueller,
Dominik Hangartner, Jeremy Weinstein (...)
Comparative Political Studies

Does Aid Reduce Anti-refugee Violence? Evidence from Syrian Refugees in Lebanon

M. Christian Lehmann, Daniel T. Masterson
American Political Science Review

Extending Delivery Coverage to Include Prenatal Care for Low-Income, Immigrant Women Is a Cost-Effective Strategy

Maria I. Rodriguez, Jonas J. Swartz,
Duncan Lawrence, Aaron B. Caughey
Women's Health Issues