Will COVID-19 Harden the World’s Borders?

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Mapping the pandemic’s effects on migration and travel around the world.                      ...

IPL Origin Stories: Vasco Yasenov

3525 Views0 Comments

Vasco Yasenov, an economist and IPL postdoctoral fellow, talks with executive director Duncan Lawrence about his childhood in post-communist Bulgaria, his work...

IPL Origin Stories: Mashail Malik

5378 Views0 Comments

IPL executive director Duncan Lawrence talks with graduate fellow Mashail Malik about the ups and downs of her journey from Pakistan to...

Soccer, the Universal Language: IPL Study Goes Viral

9320 Views0 Comments

Soccer fans and media outlets worldwide shared an IPL study finding that star striker Mo Salah has reduced Islamophobia in the UK. ...

Learning from Refugees’ Preferences

4623 Views0 Comments

A new IPL algorithm for refugee resettlement gives refugees a say in the process while also assuring host countries that they can...

IPL Origin Stories: Salma Mousa

4627 Views0 Comments

IPL executive director Duncan Lawrence talks with graduate fellow Salma Mousa about soccer as a research tool, new motherhood, and her experiences...

Behind the Paper: A “Nudge” for Citizenship

3885 Views0 Comments

How IPL researchers turned a null finding into new insights on low-income immigrants and citizenship.              ...

IPL Origin Stories: Thomas Ginn

4497 Views0 Comments

In the first of a series, IPL grad student Thomas Ginn tells us about his journey to the field.      ...

Matching People and Places

7345 Views0 Comments

Click through this illustrated guide to see how IPL is bringing AI tools to the world of refugee resettlement: