Identifying Opportunities to Improve the Network of Immigration Legal Services Providers

Vasil Yasenov, David Hausman, Michael Hotard, Duncan Lawrence, Alexandra Siegel, Jessica S. Wolff, David D. Laitin, Jens Hainmueller

Leveraging the Power of Place: A Data-Driven Decision Helper to Improve the Location Decisions of Economic Immigrants

Jeremy Ferwerda, Nicholas Adams-Cohen, Kirk Bansak, Jennifer Fei, Duncan Lawrence, Jeremy Weinstein, Jens Hainmueller

Who Can Work from Home?

Vasil Yasenov

Learning from Null Effects: A Bottom-Up Approach

Ala' Alrababa'h, Scott Williamson, Andrea Dillon, Jens Hainmueller, Dominik Hangartner, Michael Hotard, David Laitin, Duncan Lawrence, Jeremy Weinstein

Increasing Immigrant Inclusion: Family History, Empathy, and Immigration in the United States

Scott Williamson, Claire Adida, Adeline Lo, Melina Platas, Lauren Prather, Seth Werfel

Standardizing the Fee Waiver Application Increased Naturalization Rates of Low-Income Immigrants

Vasil Yasenov, Michael Hotard, Jens Hainmueller, Duncan Lawrence, David D. Laitin

Citizenship Increases the Long-Term Earnings of Marginalized Immigrants

Jens Hainmueller, Dominik Hangartner, Dalston Ward