Latin America & the Caribbean

Multidimensional Integration Measurement Toolkit

A Collaboration with the International Organization for Migration (IOM)


The Multidimensional Integration Measurement Toolkit differs from the original IPL Index in the following ways:

  • Languages: available in English, Spanish, French, and Portuguese

  • Adapted to the Brazilian, Peruvian, and Dominican Republic contexts

Funding and Support:

This project received funding from ETH Zurich, the IOM Development Fund and the Geneva Science-Policy Interface.

IPL partnered with the International Organization for Migration (IOM) to adapt the original IPL Integration Index to measure migrant integration in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Through a collaboration with IOM Headquarters and IOM Brazil, Dominican Republic, and Peru offices, the IPL Integration Index was translated and adapted to the Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) context. The index was fielded in the three countries through over 10,000 surveys with Venezuelan and Haitian beneficiaries of IOM.

IPL and IOM developed materials to accompany the questionnaire and support other researchers and practitioners interested in using it. The Multidimensional Integration Measurement Toolkit contains all the supporting documents for Brazil, the Dominican Republic, and Peru.

The Toolkit was used in Peru to conduct an evaluation of the effects of cash-based interventions on the integration of Venezuelan immigrants. In Brazil and the Dominican Republic, the Toolkit was used to gather population data on IOM beneficiaries in order to inform future policies and IOM programming.

The Toolkit

The Toolkit consists of three survey instruments in multiple languages, IOM study reports, and code for evaluating scores. These and other resources available on IOM’s website may be replicated and adapted to new contexts with the aim of contributing to a larger and more robust evidence base for policy development and program innovation on issues of migrant integration.

Country Language Version File Type Download
Brazil French Long PDF Download
Spanish Download
English Download
Portuguese – Brazilian Download
English, Spanish, French, and Brazilian Portuguese Qualtrics Download
N/A Stata Download
Excel Download
Dominican Republic English Long PDF Download
Spanish Download
English and Spanish Qualtrics Download
N/A Stata Download
Peru English Long PDF Download
Spanish Download
English and Spanish Qualtrics Download
N/A Stata Download