Angie Delevoye
Senior Data Scientist, GeoMatch
Stanford University
Email: adelevoye@gmail.com
Angie is the data scientist for the GeoMatch research program. She works with governments and the IPL team to process the data and implement the GeoMatch algorithm according to each partner organization’s needs and priorities.
She received her PhD in Political Science from Yale University, where part of her research focused on the role information, data and evidence play in policymaking processes.
Angie earned her Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts in Public Affairs from Sciences Po Paris. She then worked with various French public entities as a consultant while earning a Master of Science in Management from ESSEC Business School. She previously worked as an economic and financial attachée for the French Treasury in the United States. Angie loves to play and watch sports, wrote her PhD dissertation on the WNBA’s political activism (Go Storm!) and never turns down an outdoor activity, board game or wine night.