Alessandra Stampi-Bombelli
Postgraduate Fellow
ETH Zurich
Email: alessandra.stampi@gess.ethz.ch
In September 2019 Alessandra joined the Immigration Policy Lab in Zurich. She is a PhD candidate in empirical economics focusing on public opinion and attitudes toward immigrants and how immigrants are portrayed in media. She is also part of a team conducting randomized control trials in Zurich to understand barriers to naturalization. She previously studied political science in Rome and later obtained a MScs in economics from the University of Lausanne (HEC Lausanne). She wrote her Master thesis as a research intern at the OECD. During and after her Master studies, she gained experience as a research assistant and predoc, focusing on the area of immigration. Her research interests include natural language processing applied to social science, migration, integration, and public economics. Since 2019 Alessandra is funded by the NCCR – on the move grant of the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)