Use Cases: Overview

IPL’s Immigrant Integration Index has been used by researchers, humanitarian organizations, and service providers across multiple countries and contexts.



The Immigrant Integration Index has been cited in over 200 published journal articles. Below is a sample of its use in studies measuring integration across different countries and immigrant populations.

Study Country Respondents
Emeriau, et al., “Welcome to France.” Can mandatory integration contracts foster immigrant integration?, Working paper, 2023 France Asylum-seekers
Hainmueller, et al., Does access to citizenship confer socio-economic returns? Evidence from a randomized control design, IPL Working Paper,  2023 United States New York permanent residents
A. Alrababa’h et al., The Dynamics of Refugee Return: Syrian Refugees and Their Migration Intentions, British Journal of Political Science, 2023 Lebanon Syrian refugees
R. Miller et al., Seeking connection: a mixed methods study of mental well-being and community volunteerism among international migrants in Japan, BMC Public Health, 2020 Japan International migrants
S. Harris et al., Integration Is Correlated With Mental Health Help-Seeking From the General Practitioner: Syrian Refugees’ Preferences and Perceived Barriers, Frontiers in Public Health, 2021 Norway Syrian refugees
M. Knefel et al A brief transdiagnostic psychological intervention for Afghan asylum seekers and refugees in Austria: a randomized controlled trial, PubMed, 2020 Austria Afghan asylum-seekers
J. Kunwar et al., Assessing the Level of Immigrant Integration in Finland, Integration of Migrants into the Labour Market in Europe: National, Organizational and Individual Perspectives, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 171-186. 2020. Finland Immigrants from 36 countries

International Humanitarian and Policy Planning

The Index has been used by international humanitarian organizations to identify needs among immigrant populations and evaluate the effects of interventions designed to help them.